10 minutes NW of Bonnyville, Alberta
Freedom Dog Boarding
What this Old House and Owner know is “All Dogs Deserve Love and Freedom”
We are here to make your dog Happy
We are here to make your dog feel Loved
We are here so your dog can run and play in 10 acres of securely fenced FREEDOM
We are here so dogs can either be inside the house with us to care for them
Natural grass, securely fenced pens with heated buildings and doggie doors
We know dogs from 35 years of experience living in a house full of dogs
45 yrs of real, hands on experience in Alberta with all sizes of dogs and all types of dogs
We learned from “Been There and Done That”
45+ years Specializing in Canine Behavior.
We know how to “Read A Dog”.
We know what a dog is trying to tell us.
Our Canine Behavior training means your dog tells us what he/she needs,
We do not tell the dog, your dog tells us.
To learn more “About Us” here at Freedom Dog Boarding CLICK HERE
Puppy/Dog experience from birth to elderly senior dogs
Health Care: Taught by Veterinarians on diagnosis and treatment because it is the best way to learn.
Trained to give oral medication, subcutaneous and intramuscular injections, wound cleaning, changing bandages, etc.
If you are called away on an emergency, we can even birth your dog for you or maybe you booked your holidays in advance and now need an experienced person to whelp your dog.
For information on birthing (whelping) dogs at Freedom Dog Boarding CLICK HERE
We know the how’s and whys of taking care of your dog. Eyes, Ears, Toe Nails, etc
Safe Pens for dogs with Behavioral Issues that would interfere with the happiness of other dogs
With 6 foot high fences, heated buildings and their own private yards.
Safe spaces inside the home also available for shy, nervous, scared dogs
Still with us but they can feel safe and never locked in kennels unless you request it.
We do not over book which forces dogs that do not know each other to be kept together.
Dogs often need their own space at fist.
Once it is determined dogs can happily play, sleep together, they can then do so.
For our Guidelines and Prices to board your dog
at Freedom Dog Boarding CLICK HERE
Limited Days and Limited Hours of Operation
For more information after reading our guidelines
For Freedom Dog Boarding
Please Contact
By phone or email
Gayle Bunney
“Specializes in Canine Behavior”
Box 7177
Bonnyville, Alberta
T9N 2H5
Phone: 780-826-7818 Please DO NOT TEXT, this is a landline
Leave a message, include your full name and phone number if we are unable to answer
Email: Visit Our Contact Page
To learn more about Freedom Dog Boarding watch the following photos as they scroll by.