Owner of Freedom Dog Boarding

Gayle, (owner of this website, Breeder, Animal Rescuer and published Author of 4 Non Fiction Animal books) comes to you with over 45+ years Experience with Dogs, owning, breeding, whelping, doctoring, training and specializes in Canine Behavior. 

Her decades of studying Ethology has shown that Canine Behavior is far more in depth than often understood.

When younger, she worked with and trained Protection Dogs, Herding Dogs, Bird Retrieving Dogs and more recently Tracking Dogs. 

She mastered these skills by being hands on and working with and for Professionals Trainers, not from online courses.

There is no such thing as "Force Free" dog training.  All dog training involves a certain amount of pressure, coercion and corrections. The second you put a collar or harness and leash on a dog, it is no longer force free.  You are forcing the dog to let you be in control of its mind and body.

And there is a limit to giving treat after treat continually to a dog.   True professional trainers know dogs need to want to succeed in training to please their human, not just for treats.

And says, "Unless you truly understand a dogs behavior and can read their precise body language, you cannot be a good trainer."  "Learn what the dog is trying to tell you and then, only then will you succeed.

She also had over 45 years experience with horses, owning, breeding, foaling, doctoring, training and again specialized in Equine Behavior.

When younger, Gayle worked with and for Veterinarians.  Working side by side with Vets is the only way to truly learn.  Vets are also the best teachers of Animal Welfare.  A person learns to be able to spot illness or hidden injuries and to truly know what to do until the animal can be transported to a Vet Clinic.

She has been involved in rescuing animals from abuse or saving them from an uncertain fate, for many years. Everything from so many, many Dogs, to several Horses, a starving Donkey, a Calf, starving Cattle, Cats, a newborn Wild Boar rejected by its Mother, an Eagle, Hawks,  baby Crows, Magpies, other  wild Birds, even a Porcupine, (who became like a wild pet to her), a lost Muskrat, a Llama, plus many more creatures. She says though, that she doesn't get along with Skunks and probably never will.

Gayle has been a member of the Alberta SPCA, (Society For The Prevention Of Cruelty To Animals) for over thirty + years and donates monthly to the Alberta SPCA. Gayle is active in the Welfare of all animals and donates monthly to "Humane Canada" originally the CFHS, (Canadian Federation of Humane Societies).  Gayle's donations include several other Canadian and also International Animal Welfare Organizations.

As a breeder who cares where each and every one of her puppies go, she sees far to many other puppies from irresponsible breeders that are churned out and sold to any one with out caring where they end up. Their adult dogs suffer tremendously until they meet their demise when no longer wanted.  Her own adult dogs are loved by her Vets, are never forced to have litter after litter, they have total freedom and sleep on her bed. She donates monthly to STOP PUPPY MILLS and irresponsible BACKYARD BREEDERS. And of course for the "Humane Welfare" of ALL animals, ALL God's Creatures!

Her love for dogs is obvious when you visit Freedom Dog Boarding here on her 10 acres of Freedom for your dogs to enjoy while you are on vacation.


Topping that, is the fact that Gayle is an Author of 4 non fiction books. Her book, "Horses, Hounds And Other Critters" was a big hit with her humor evident in each chapter. 

 Her other books are the heart stirring book about dogs, "My Life With Dogs".

And  two action packed horse books, "Horse Stories, riding the wind" and "The Heart Of A Horse".

You will find Gayle at Bonnyville, Alberta which is north east of Edmonton. Situated between St. Paul and Cold Lake. This part of Alberta is a beautiful place to visit and to live with Edmonton being the closest city.

Come Meet Melissa here at

Freedom Dog Boarding

Gayle proudly introducing my new partner Melissa.
Melissa, a dog owner herself all her life has partnered with me to provide the best of care for each and every dog here at “Freedom Dog Boarding”.
I never met a dog that does not fall in love with Melissa.  
Melissa is naturally attuned to dogs, often spotting the littlest signals of unrest with dogs other people miss.
She finds the neatest games to play with the dogs and can spend hours just cuddling them here at Freedom Dog Boarding.


Freedom Boarding:  Melissa has partnered with Gayle on caring for and loving dogs
Melissa loves each and every dog she meets here at Freedom Boarding.
Melissa works incredibly hard keeping up with the chores at Freedom Boarding
What goes in must come out at Freedom Boarding
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