Kennel Cough

Kennel Cough

6 years ago I took one of my girl dogs to a vet where she had to stay overnight. Wouldn't you know it, she contacted Kennel Cough, from an infected dog being kept in another kennel. So all my dogs ended up with it.

KENNEL COUGH: (Acute Tracheobronchitis) This is a highly contagious respiratory infection in dogs. A Harsh Dry Spastic cough is the characteristic signs of this illness. It may be accompanied by nasal congestion. Otherwise, the dog looks bright and alert, eats relatively well and seems to maintain an overall good condition. Most cases are relatively mild. Given rest and proper care, these dogs recover in two weeks.
In puppies, Kennel Cough is a more serious illness. It may be accompanied by nasal congestion. Because the narrow airways of youngsters are prone to obstruction, puppies may need intensive support to loosen thick secretions, improve breathing and prevent pneumonia. This is also true of the Toy breeds.
TREATMENT: Dogs suspected of having Kennel Cough should be isolated so as not to infect others. Be sure to take your dogs temperature every day. A fever indicates complications. Rest and proper humidification of the atmosphere are important treatments of bronchitis. Confine your dog in a warm room and use a home vaporizer. A cold-steam vaporizer offers some advantages over a heat vaporizer because it is less likely to cause additional breathing problems because of heat.
Moderate daily exercise is beneficial, as it assists in bronchial drainage. Of course, strenuous exercise should be avoided.
Coughing helps clear the bronchial passages, but excessive spasms of dry, unproductive cough can cause greater irritation and lead to exhaustion.
Sometimes cough suppressants may be needed just to allow the dog to rest. Antibiotics are used to prevent secondary bacterial infections and to treat B. Bronchiseptica if it is suspected.
They have no affect on the virus itself. Two drugs of choice are Ampicillin or Chloromycetin.
Vaccines to prevent Kennel Cough are available but it should be noted that they may not prevent all cases.
NOTE: In some cases, "Chronic Bronchitis" may result from having Kennel Cough. This can continue for weeks, months or for the rest of the dogs life.

Posted ON Wed, February 1, 2023 at 11:06:59 am MST
Version 5.3
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